Luis Nardin, M.A., Ms.D., is a licensed Psychologist and trainer practicing in La Paz, Bolivia. After receiving his degrees from California State University of Fullerton (CSUF) and The University for Humanistic Studies (UHS), both in the USA, he returned to Bolivia. Motivated by his experiences as a therapist and by his own quest, he then traveled to India and the Amazon forest where he received training by native shamans in the practice of trans-personal approaches to counseling and psychotherapy.
Additional Training
CSAN, USA - Child Sexual Abuse Therapy
Psycho Neurology Foundation, USA - Dante Method of Hypnosis
Associate Trainers, USA - Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Hypnotic Communication
Milton H. Erickson Institute of San Diego, USA - Clinical Hypnotherapy
Centro Milton H Erickson de Bs. As., Argentina - Hypnosis and pain management
Ericksonian Psychotherapy Congress, Ernest Rossi, USA - Mind-Body Therapy
Mental Research Institute, USA - Brief Therapy with Spanish-Speaking Families
Escuela Sistémica, Argentina - Actualización en Terapia Sistémica
CIEC, Bolivia - Formación de RRHH para la prevención del uso de Drogas
CEO, Bolivia - Evaluación de Acciones de Prevención del Uso Indebido de Drogas
CIID, Bolivia - Seminario Internacional del Uso y Abuso de Drogas
Departamento de Estado de USA - Planificación de Sistemas de Información sobre el Uso Indebido de Drogas
Vipassana Center, Rajpur, India - Vipassana Meditation
Hasya Yoga, India - Laughter Yoga
The Art of LIving, USA - Sudarshan Kriya Meditation
Centro de Formación Profesional Syngenta, Argentina - Gestión de RRHH
Harald Solaas y Asociados, Argentina - Requisite Organization
Harald Solaas y Asociados, Argentina - Human Capability Evaluation (Discourse Analysis)